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Office cleaning

Tasks and Services

Vacuuming carpets
Vacuuming and mopping hard floors
Emptying bins and replacing bin bags
Wiping/disinfecting door handles
Wiping skirting boards and surfaces
Dusting/polishing surfaces
Spot cleaning (e.g. tea spills)
Staff washrooms
Kitchen and food prep areas
Air conditioning vents
Cafeterias, staff rooms and kitchens
Car park cleaning

You're at work to do the work, not to worry about whether the office is clean. Let us do what we do best, while you do what you do best.


Create a clean and healthy environment for your employees, your customers, and yourself, and put your best foot forward any time someone steps onto your site. A clean worksite also provides a good impression for anyone who steps through the door, letting you put your best foot forward, every time.


With a clean office, you'll find employees are more productive, less stressed, and spend less time out sick. Viruses, such as the flu, can linger on high-frequency touch-points, desks, or electronics for up to 24 hours. A typical office keyboard can carry hundreds or thousands of bacteria at any given time. It makes sense then, to give your office environment a regular clean, performed by professionals you can trust to get the job done properly.


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